A "vaccine" was formerly defined as "a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease." Then along came the so called Covid vaccines so conveniently they changed the definition, there's plenty of evidence regarding the Plandemic and Covid vaccine damage, do some research and make your own mind up.
The WHO wants to control YOU
The WHO will decide not your Doctor
The World Homicide Organization (WHO)
The Wuhan Health Organization (WHO)
Their mission is to program humanity
They Lied People Died, hold them to account
Top One Hundred Reasons to Exit the WHO
Truth Be Told Campaign May 13th 2023 Trafalgar Square London
UN and WHO agenda for paedophilia MUST BE STOPPED!
Vaccine deaths and no answers, hold them to account
We are handing the WHO unprecedented powers
WHO Controls the W.H.O?
WHO is a wolf in sheep's clothing
Who is Sovereign, the People or the Government?
WHO is the parent and not YOU
WHO is your real doctor? EXIT the WHO
WHO Killed over 1,000,000 Americans?
WHO Lies?
WHO thinks they know more than your doctor?
WHO wants to control YOU?
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