Agenda 2030
Globalist organizations are establishing worldwide tyranny, which gradually removes all rights, freedoms, and possessions from humanity. They claim this will improve the state of the world. It is called the Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Build Back Better, New World Order, etc.
Bill Gates is the Virus and the Vaccinator
Bill Gates World Deceiver, World Dictator, World Vaccinator
Rumble censor exposing the UN and WHO paedophile agenda
Sharing is Caring, Awakening People Matters
Smart Cities are the planned open air concentration camps
Stop this sick UN and WHO agenda for paedophilia
The UN and WHO agenda for paedophilia
Their mission is to program humanity
UN and WHO agenda for paedophilia MUST BE STOPPED!
UN are Equipping children to have sexual partners
Vote carefully, LIB/LAB/CON WEF puppets support paedophilia