Spades a Spade

Extinction of The Family

The totalitarian socialist utopia requires the extinction of the family as its ultimate precondition and final triumph. The World Health Organization is making progress, destruction of families is well under way and must be stopped.

The Sovereignty Coalition is a non-partisan group of patriotic, public policy-minded leaders, organizations and individuals who share a profound commitment to the U.S. Constitution and the God-given freedoms it guarantees.

It’s Time for America to Exit the W.H.O. Sign the American Sovereignty Declaration #ExitTheWHO


Sharing is Caring, Awakening People Counts

Please share far and wide, the key to ending the world tyranny is informing the public as these criminal elites depend entirely on the ignorance of the population. Once people become informed, they will stop complying and start resisting.

Spreading the word, showing them the truth and planting the seed to question the narrative and awakening them as soon as possible is critical. The planned pandemics are ongoing as are the smart cities, adding insects to our food, synthetic meat, destruction of farming, digital currency, digital id's, indoctrination of children and destroying their sexual identity, normalisation of paedophilia and bestiality along with wars and much more nastiness.

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